
Thank you for your purchase!

Below you will find specific Mixing and Application Instruction downloads (PDF) for the various City Restore Kits. If you have any questions concerning our products or any of the mixing and application instructions, please do not hesitate to contact City Restore at (951) 275-6894 or email:


ALL CityRestore Kits include safety gear recommended for use when applying our products.


Please read all Safety and Application instructions printed on product labels.


Safety Information is included with the instructions below. You can also download our Safety Information Sheet Here.



Equipment Restore Kit

Calcium & Rust Remover Kit

Super Concrete Remover Kit

Splat Asphalt Remover Kit

Download the Splat Asphalt Remover Kit Instructions here.



Flash Special Adhesive Remover Kit



DooRestore will restore sun-damaged paint, simulated wood, fiberglass, acrylics, plastics and metal, while also protecting with our UV block additive. Use on Entry Doors, Metal Lights, Shutters, Road Signs and more.

Visit the website

Visit the website at for complete information.

DooRestore Protect & Restore Garage, Entry Doors and More